Asante's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 3, 2013

5 Months

Asante turned 5 months old yesterday! He is getting to be such a big boy; he weighs over 15lbs now :-) He is such a happy baby, and is so much fun.  His little personality is really starting to develop. He is so silly, just like his Daddy.  He is still sleeping in his crib through the night.  There are still some night that he might wake up, but usually falls back to sleep.  He is on a very good schedule.  I wake him up around 6:30 on work days, but he doesn't wake up on his own until 7:30 or 8am on the weekends.  He takes two naps during the day, and drinks around 3 bottles.  Then he is ready for bed around 8:30pm.  He has also started eating solid food twice a day; once at lunch and once for dinner.  We have done bananas, avocado, sweet potatoes, squash, peas and this week is carrots.  He didn't care much for the peas, again he is his Daddy's twin! The sweet potatoes have definitely been his favorite.  A few other new things are that he is starting to reach and grab for his toys, he is starting to try and sit up on his own, and since we got his little gym he is starting to stand up.  He is also teething.  He hasn't been very fussy, thankfully, but he does drool A LOT, and chews on his fingers and toys.  We haven't seen any teeth yet, but they will be here very soon!  He has rolled over three more times in bed, but never for us to see or get pictures of.  I think he is just too content on his stomach to actually roll over.  He is starting to get his knees under himself and push around in an effort to crawl, but I don't think I'm ready for that yet! It is truly amazing how much difference a month can make in a little guy.  He is such a blessing, and we are enjoying every second of him!!
5 Month Boy
Still loving those fingers!
Sitting up playing with his new toy
Starting to stand up -- check out those nikes!
He moves all the way to the corner of his crib when he sleeps.  Also there is a little glimpse of his baby rat tail!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you and Amar!! Baby Asante, will be not baby for very much longer!! I need to come see this little man of yours :) Just for Amar today EMAW lol! Miss you guys!
